AGILE SW Package:  AGILE_SW_5.0_SourceCode

(Agile Data Center, 30-09-2011)



The package AGILE_SW_5.0_SourceCode contains 3 files:


- BUILD_GRID_5.0.tgz ( ~ 121 M)

- test_dataset_5.0.tgz ( ~ 347 M )

- readme_5.0.txt ( ~ 5 K)


External software requirements:


- heasoft/headas v. 6.1.2 or later

  available from

- ROOT version 5.20 (version 5.14 is only usable in old OS)

  available from


Users have to install the required external software on their computer.


The AGILE data analysis software was built with ROOT v. 5.20.

The current version of the public software delivered with this Release (5.0) was built from the internal ADC SW tag BUILD GRID SCI 21 and reflects the current best understanding and testing of calibrations, background rejection, and processing results.


- Once untarred, the directory BUILD_GRID_5.0 contains source codes, libraries and calibration files for AGILE data analysis.


The tar file also includes the file SoftwareReleaseNote.txt  and the User Manual (AGILE-IFC-OP-009_Build-21.pdf).


- Once untarred, the directory test_dataset_5.0 contains data of a sky area of 15deg radius around the Vela Pulsar from the AGILE Observation Block OB=10000 (spinning mode).




1. To install the software:


 1.1 Donwnload the files:


     - BUILD_GRID_5.0.tgz

     - test_dataset_5.0.tgz

     - readme_5.0.txt


 1.2 > tar zxvf BUILD_GRID_5.0.tgz

       will create the directory  BUILD_GRID_5.0


 1.3 > create a directory (for example ~/agilesw) and move BUILD_GRID_5.0 in it.



2. Set up the environment:


 2.1 After having conveniently installed and/or checked the external software (ROOT and heasoft),

     set environment variables as explained below for bash and csh separately.


WARNING-1: Users who installed ROOT through FINK or other procedures that DO NOT locate   ROOT directories /lib and /include under the same ROOT-install-directory of the ROOT /bin directory, should also set the following two environment variables:





Example: if your PC ROOT executable is in /sw/bin, ROOT library files are in /sw/lib/root and ROOT include files are in /sw/include/root, then set:


$ROOTSYS=<your-ROOT-install-dir>= /sw




WARNING-2: Mac users should create a symbolic link in <your-ROOT-lib-dir> for either bash and csh by typing: 


ln -s libMinuit.dylib


############## settings for bash 

##  external S/W


    export HEADAS=<your-heasoft-install-dir>

    . $HEADAS/

    export ROOTSYS=<your-ROOT-install-dir>


   (see  WARNING-1, if that is your case use:





    export ADC=$HOME/ADC (or for example ~/agilesw/ADC)


    export PATH=$ADC/scientific_analysis/bin:$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH



    export AGILE_CFITSIO_LIBNAME=lcfitsio[_<your-heasoft-libcfitsio-version>] 

(check under $HEADAS/lib/ the libcfitsio file name, e.g. if you find -> export AGILE_CFITSIO_LIBNAME=lcfitsio_3.12)


############## settings for csh, tcsh

##  external S/W


    setenv HEADAS <your-heasoft-install-dir>

    source $HEADAS/headas-init.csh

    setenv ROOTSYS <your-ROOT-install-dir>


   (see  WARNING-1, if that is your case use:



##   AGILE S/W


            setenv ADC $HOME/ADC (or for example ~/agilesw/ADC)

            setenv PFILES ${PFILES}:$ADC/PFILES

            set path=($ADC/scientific_analysis/bin $path  $ROOTSYS/bin)

            setenv AGILE_CFITSIO_INCLUDE $HEADAS/include

            setenv AGILE_CFITSIO_LIB $HEADAS/lib

            setenv AGILE_CFITSIO_LIBNAME lcfitsio[_<your-heasoft-libcfitsio-version>] 

(check under $HEADAS/lib/ the libcfitsio file name, e.g. if you find -> setenv AGILE_CFITSIO_LIBNAME lcfitsio_3.12)




3. install the build:


    cd BUILD_GRID_5.0

    make install


 The default installation will create a directory ADC in  $HOME/ADC.

 You can change the destination directory by setting a different ADC environment variable at step 2.1 (for example ~/agilesw/ADC) and specifying  "prefix=$ADC " in the command line:


            make prefix=$ADC install



  Mac users must always specify the system in the command line:


make SYSTEM=mac install



 For any subsequent installation, run "make clean" before "make install".



4. Test the software on the test dataset


 4.1  tar zxvf test_dataset_5.0.tgz

      will create the working directory test_dataset_5.0

 4.2 Re-produce COUNTS, EXP and GAS maps (included as examples in the package) and the likelihood analysis by following the instructions given in the file test_Delivery4.README.


5. Enjoy!